• Perth, WA
  • +61 434 476 087
  • mail@laura-carroll.com
Will the real me please stand up?
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Dear reader,

I’m new to this whole blogging thing, but I thought, what the hell I’ll give it a go. You’ve gotta try everything at least once so here it goes.

I wouldn’t consider myself a writer, but only time will tell. My reason for starting this blog was to build a creative outlet where I was free to express and ponder whatever comes to mind and then release it to the universe. From there, who knows? Come what may.

Although I can’t promise perfect prose, what I can promise is honesty. I don’t want the ideas or posts from this blog to personify an angelic squeaky clean do-gooder, because I honestly can’t live up to that. Instead I endeavour to just be me, sharing with you the good parts, the bad and the questionable.

Who am I?
Will the real me please stand UP?

Who am I? You might have asked yourself this same question before. When we answer without much thought, we often state the roles we play. These roles only identify the ‘what’ not the ‘who’ in a person.

In my life I play multiple roles; the daughter, lover, mother, friend, teacher, business owner and the list goes on. But, these roles I play are not who I am. I am much more and so are YOU.

So who am I?…. Well, this is forever shifting and shaping but I’ll give you an idea.

I’m a spiritual crusader, a lover of things known and unknown. I’m a believer, a dreamer, passionate to express and create. I’m a tiny molecule in the universe, living and experiencing this thing called “Life”.

I’m the manifestation of universal love, just like YOU but shaped into a form my parent’s named Laura.

Each day I learn, struggle and triumph to some degree. The highs are followed by the lows and the lows by the highs. I’m a surfer of life riding the waves to ‘Destination Unknown’ and I embrace it!

I know that love, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and understanding are the inevitable precursors to living an abundant life that I’m willing and ready to work for.

My essence is universal. All is one. I am life and life is me and we are all apart of the same thing.

So, WHO ARE YOU???? What lies beneath your armour? What is your essence?

Share away!
Laura x

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